Photo: HTA/Heather Goodman

ʻO ke aloha ke kuleana o kahi malihini.

It is Hawaiʻi’s privilege to extend aloha to our visitors, and it is the responsibility of our visitors to extend aloha for Hawaiʻi.

NaHHA works to shape the future of Hawai‘i’s visitor industry by utilizing Hawaiian cultural values as the foundation for professional development and business leadership. Through consultation, training and networking, we support the people who provide authentic experiences to Hawaiʻi’s visitors.

Cultural TrainingNaHHA provides cultural training for the visitor industry and beyond.

Cultural Training

NaHHA provides cultural training for the visitor industry and beyond.

Entrepreneur DevelopmentNaHHA works to support kamaʻāina businesses as they grow.

Entrepreneur Development

NaHHA works to support kamaʻāina businesses as they grow.

Professional NetworkingNaHHA connects professional cultural resources across Hawaiʻi.

Professional Networking

NaHHA connects professional cultural resources across Hawaiʻi.

Follow us on social media @NaHHA808